Hi Dusan! First of all, thank you so much to give this interview to 2CellosBrasil!
- You said on twitter some days ago, that you started to play drum when you was 5…6… Who influenced you?
I was mostly influenced by my father’s rock records. I was too young to remember what it was exactly that got me interested.I stared banging on pots and pans trying to imitate any beat I heard without knowing what it was or how my instrument should be played.
- About your parents, they works with music? They support your profession?
My parents are not musicians. But they both knew I had talent and supported me with music lessons. There are some musicians in my family though. My mom is an amazing artist and used to be a teacher. My dad always had a good ear for music and helped me never to give up with it.
-How do you joined 2Cellos with Luka and Stjepan?
I meet Stjepan a few months before Smooth Criminal came out. We were hanging out at a partyafter one of my concerts and we just clicked. We both looked alike, thought the same and behaved in the similar way. Then we started some jazz/classical projects together. Stjepan also told me about Luka Sulic and the 2CELLOS project they were starting together. We even planned to arrange rock music in a band setting similar to what we do now. A few months passed after their first video when they called me to help them out and we played one of our first shows at the iTunes festival in London.
- About the tour here in Brazil, many fans told us that the biggest surprise of the night was you! How was it for you to be here and play in Brazil?
I am really glad to hear that Brazilian fans thought so about me. Especially because our shows in Brazil mean much to us. The first reason are all the people that showed great enthusiasm to see us before we even got there. The expectations were high and the shows were awesome.
Secondly I find it amazing to play in such tropical parts of the world and I have developed a new coconut addiction :D
“Personal” question (Milene Mingotti @auflosen) :
I ‘m a musician twelve years ago, how was your journey studies from when you started until today?… We know it’s a journey that requires much effort and dedication. It was easy for you or there were times when you disheartened for some reason or always stood firm in what you wanted? Do you have any tips for someone starting this journey in music?
I always had a dream of what I wanted to do and I am lucky to be able to say I have fulfilled that. I would advise anybody to keep it up if they really love what they are doing. It is not easy. If it was, everybody would do it. And you always need to make that extra step and a little more effort. I’m still doing that same thing till this day.
I started too young and had times when I would be into hip hop culture, rapping, breakdancing and doing all sorts of stuff that other kids did instead of practicing music. I needed other distractions. However I would naturally get back to drums because that never left me.
Since I always wanted to communicate to the world musically I had a total commitment to that goal. It took me out of bad influences, wrong relationships and I will never regret that I chose music as my main path. So instead of being on the path of surprises and luck I was on the path of expectations and hard work. Yes, I would call that a musical journey of pure dedication.